Start An Evolution

A Proven Process of Digital Transformation Consulting and Innovative Solutions

Kona Kai is Hawaiian for wind and sea—change agents that have incredible impact together. Our name represents the unique way we partner with clients to dismantle the chaos, analyze the pain points, and discover practical solutions that unleash powerful change.

1) Collaboration. The most productive working relationships are built on a foundation of trust, so we work hard to build it from day one. Targeting key resources from IT, business operations, and end-user groups in our delivery model, we help teams break out of their silos to speak the same language and share the same vision.

2) Focused Execution. From sprints to marathons, movement requires energy. Nothing motivates action better than well-articulated goals and a clear roadmap of how to get there. Our delivery model focuses on milestones, so nothing feels unattainable and everything aligns to program goals. Along the way, team members are encouraged and empowered to complete tasks and stay on track.

3) Empowerment. Pulling together only happens when people know they can make a difference and want to be part of a winning team. So we leverage your team as a key component of our delivery team, developing capabilities, increasing capacities, and ensuring enablement of every team member. 

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Change is Evolution

Over 50% of our clients retain our services for multiple engagements, building relationships that last years.

Our Partnerships

Experienced solution consultants bringing industry leading transformation to our clients.

Since our inception in 2006, we’ve helped large and small clients improve core operations, customer service, and performance. We’ve done this through a tried-and-true delivery model that engages our clients with direct participation, ultimately enabling them to become self-sustaining. Some engagements simply require process reengineering... some refinement of existing technical assets. But some require investment in new technologies to achieve desired outcomes. We are proud to have these partnerships without bias. Bringing these, and other industry leading technologies to our clients when necessary. 

Pega Partner

We help clients transform digitally to improve human connections and optimize business performance. 



Our Expertise and Success is Proven

Kona Kai evaluated our credit card processing, assessed solutions, and helped implement a 3rd-party hosted solution. Results: Solution fully integrated with accounts receivables and delivered via inter/intranet integration. Reduced merchant charges to return better margin to customer payments. Achieved PCI Compliance.

Large-Scale Food Distributor


After assessing enrollment and billing operations, numerous issues were identified within the systems and support of these functions. Kona Kai led systems and support re-engineering efforts. Results: Streamlined business operations, implemented foundational billing audits, and exception handling systems, procedures, and disciplines.

Healthcare Provider


Kona Kai validated the business model created to acquire investment funding. They revised revenue assumptions, churn forecasts, subscriber acquisition costs, and distribution strategy and costs. Results: Helped secure $27M in funding in initial investment round. Then retained to review and select core support systems for billing, network operations, service provisioning, and call center support.

Wireless Startup


Industry Insights

By Carly Whitte 14 May, 2024
Developing a successful product requires crafting a solution to an under-served user need. But how do you know what needs are under-served or what products need designing? That’s where design methodologies come into play. What is Human-Centered Design? Human-centered design (HCD) is a holistic design approach that seeks to understand and address the broader spectrum of human needs, emotions, and behaviors beyond just user preferences and technology. It places a strong emphasis on empathy, actively engaging with stakeholders to gain deep insights into their experiences, aspirations, and challenges. By centering design around the human experience, HCD aims to create products and services that enhance well-being, foster meaningful connections, and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities. How is Human-Centered Design different from User-Centered Design? Human-Centered Design and User-Centered Design (UCD) share the common goal of prioritizing user needs and experiences. However, HCD goes beyond solely focusing on users to consider a broader understanding of human behavior, emotions, and societal contexts. While UCD emphasizes usability and functionality, HCD encompasses a holistic approach that considers the entire human experience. Where does Design Thinking fit in? Design Thinking is a problem-solving process. It is focused on innovation and creating products or services that solve problems. Design Thinking looks at the bigger picture, where HCD looks at the details. Projects that only focus on Design Thinking can often miss the mark when addressing the needs of users or customers. Why is Human-Centered Design important in the Application Development Lifecycle? HCD holds immense importance in the application development lifecycle as it ensures that resources invested in development are maximized and effectively utilized. By prioritizing user needs and preferences, HCD minimizes the risk of developing products or services that fail to resonate with users, reducing the likelihood of costly rework or product abandonment. Benefits to Application Development: Before development even starts, HCD seeks to understand how a product could seamlessly blend into users’ daily routines. Its overarching goal is to make every user feel that the experience and end solution was designed specifically for them, regardless of their demographics. HCD fosters a heightened awareness of how diverse users might perceive the product. As development progresses, HCD ensures that applications not only function flawlessly but also offer an intuitive and delightful user experience. Using HCD, designers obtain invaluable perspectives that pave the way for more impactful solutions. Benefits to Application Adoption: Applications developed through HCD increase the likelihood of user satisfaction, engagement, and ultimately, adoption of the product. Additionally, incorporating feedback from users during the design iterations helps to refine the product further, making it more tailored to user needs and increasing its adoption potential. Using HCD leads to maximizing the return on investment and delivering tangible value to both developers and end users. Humanizing the customers, clients, and employees using the application By actively engaging with users throughout the design lifecycle, HCD seeks to understand their unique challenges, aspirations, and emotions, thereby fostering empathy and connection between designers and users. This approach ensures that products and services are tailored to address real-life issues and resonate with users on a personal level, empowering them to lead more fulfilling lives. User Research and Personas The use and creation of personas is key to creating more empathetic and user-centered solutions that meet the diverse needs of the audience and drive greater user satisfaction and engagement. Personas are fictional representations of target users based on user research techniques. By conducting thorough research to understand the characteristics, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience, designers can identify common patterns and segments within their target audience. While personas are valuable tools for empathizing with users, they should be based on real user data rather than stereotypes or job titles to ensure accuracy and relevance. Through collaborative ideation, prototyping, and testing, HCD encourages designers to see users as individuals with diverse backgrounds and preferences, leading to solutions that genuinely enrich the human experience. Benefits of Human-Centered Design Using HCD results in a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond the functionality of products. Human Focus Creates Empathy: By placing humans at the center of the design process, HCD fosters empathy among designers, leading to solutions that truly resonate with users' needs and emotions. Problem-Solving Approach: HCD encourages a problem-solving mindset, focusing on understanding and addressing users' underlying needs and challenges rather than simply providing technical solutions. Promotes Adoption: Applications developed through HCD are more likely to be adopted and embraced by users due to their intuitive design and alignment with user lifestyles and behaviors. Is HCD Worth It? By focusing on the needs, desires, and behaviors of users, HCD can lead to products and services that are more intuitive, efficient, and satisfying to use. This can result in higher customer satisfaction, increased user retention, lower support costs, and ultimately, greater profitability. Additionally, HCD often leads to innovation and differentiation in the market, helping companies stand out and attract more customers. So, while it may require an upfront investment in research and design, the returns can be significant over time. Greeting metrics and using KPIs from before and after a HCD initiative are a great way to get buy-in.  HCD and AI: Future opportunities Looking into new technology, AI provides numerous areas of opportunity. HCD intersects with AI in two crucial ways. Firstly, designers can leverage AI within the HCD process to enhance user experiences, streamline workflows, and generate insights from vast datasets, creating more intuitive and efficient products. Secondly, integrating HCD principles into the development of AI products and software ensures that they are tailored to meet human needs, preferences, and capabilities. By prioritizing user feedback, empathy, and usability testing, AI systems can be refined to better align with human behaviors and values, fostering trust and acceptance in their adoption and usage. Unlocking Success HCD has emerged as a transformative approach to product and service development, placing the needs and experiences of users at the forefront of the design process. By understanding users' needs, preferences, and emotions, HCD enables organizations to create solutions that truly resonate with their target audience, leading to higher adoption rates and greater overall satisfaction. At Kona Kai, we recognize the power of HCD in driving success for our clients. By incorporating HCD principles into our approach, we can help organizations uncover valuable insights, develop innovative solutions, and create meaningful experiences that set them apart in the market. From conducting user research and creating personas to prototyping and testing, our team is equipped to guide clients through every step of the HCD process, ensuring that their products and services are not only functional but also deeply human-centric. Contact us to begin your evolution.
By Carly Whitte 03 May, 2024
Discover how Kona Kai's agility, expertise, and unwavering dedication facilitated seamless software deployment. With agile training, over 400 Salesforce users were efficiently prepared in less than 2 months.
By Carly Whitte 23 Apr, 2024
Personalized communication in healthcare is more important than ever. Offering diverse channels, transparency, and centralized preference centers can enhance patient engagement and streamline care coordination. Explore the role of advanced technology in managing communication preferences for improved health outcomes and efficient healthcare CRM strategies.
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