Omni Channel Solution Architecture

A consistently great customer journey.

Omni Channel Solution Architecture ensures a design that results in a consistent, seamless and integrated customer experience

Whether your organization is focused on healthcare, customer service, marketing, telecom or retail, ensuring a positive customer experience is dependent on delivering accurate and consistent information to the customer regardless of the channel used for communication.

Omni-Channel has become omni-present

With few exceptions, organizations have realized that to be competitive in today's market, they must be available to a customer when and how the customer chooses.   

This need and expectation that an organization has omni-channel capabilities, in many ways, is the driving force behind the evolution needed.  Ensuring the data, digital, business process, and customer experience strategies are defined and executed in harmony, will bring about positive omni channel architecture.

What are your customers and employees feeling?

Customers complaining?

Customers today are tech savvy, they want an elegant, personalized experience. Kona Kai can help you deliver that.

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Employees complaining?

Employee surveys indicating dissatisfaction with tools your teams are using? As the workforce gets younger, they expect state of the art systems to complete their work on.  Kona Kai empathizes with you and can help

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Keeping people from completing work in a timely manner.

By embedding your resources in the team, we empower your resources to identify manual and/or non-value-add steps that can be streamlined.

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Customers are not happy with us


Customer experience disjointed, unpredictable, and  less than delightful?


> Review the customer experience, create and review customer experience surveys, and hold focus groups to learn from the customer how the experience can be better.

> Review customer journeys for various activities to understand problem areas or potential problem areas


Conflicting answers depending on channel?  Customers confused?


> Review the materials supplied to customers and align with employee knowledge base materials to ensure consistent messaging.

> Review and revise self-servicing tools available to customers and do an end-to-end review of the experience to pinpoint gaps and inconsistencies.

> Simplify content offerings and make them contextual to the customer by leveraging rules-based technology in real time.


Customers who prefer multiple ways of contacting our company?


> Enable features for customer service agents that allow for chats or chatbots to help customers.

> Enhance the Computer Telephony Integrations to auto-identify callers using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems, but also enhance the handoff experience when going from IVR to an actual employee.

Our tools and technology seem outdated


Need to empower customers to utilize self-serve functions and  reduce call volume and customer wait time?


> Create systems that allow for multi-channel communications, such as email with syntax and tone identification, Chatbots, and Chat features through web portals and text messaging capabilities.


Employees need better, faster, more organized access to tools and resources?


> Review how employees are using the systems, review remote access systems, learn which tools are used the most and review ways to reduce the number of screens, clicks, cut/pastes needed to complete the job.

> Review enterprise standards for system sign-on, enable Single Sign On where applicable, and design enterprise standards surrounding application access and usage.

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