Enterprise Data Management Plan

Turning data to insights.

The importance of data in business is undisputed, but too often how a company manages that data directly impacts the success of the systems and users that depend on it.

At Kona Kai Corp, we have a team of BI/Analytics experts analyzing, architecting, designing and maintaining data to ensure your systems are successful.

enterprise data management plan

Our data warriors will ensure your bits don't byte

Systems developed yesterday could not have contemplated the data complexity needs of today and the benefit of building capabilities once and using them in multiple places. Is your data architected and accessed effectively and efficiently to drive success?

Let us help you identify how your data is being consumed to ensure you have a data management process in place that focuses on performance, security, and stability of this precious asset.

We will

  • Map your data flow
  • Evaluate the structure
  • Identify and define the source of truth 
  • Optimize performance
  • Gain insight as to how your data may be used in the future
  • Establishing your data owners, we will help you set up a strong data governance committee and processes for data use and growth

Enterprise Data Management Plan

Is your data living up to its potential?

Data needed by multiple channels?

Backend systems, Customer Service, Website, Mobile App all needing data? Do you have a  plan and architecture to deliver the data consistently and when needed?

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Data usage or needs unknown?

Applications and data needs change over time.  Do you have a full accounting of who accesses your data and why?  Leaders may be surprised to find how many old and potentially vulnerable access points to data exist.

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Data out-of-sync or inaccurate?

Are customers complaining that their data is not accurate?  Is your data different depending on which way you are accessing it? Do you have modern processes in place to keep your data synchronized?

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Data usage unknown?


Data stored in multiple places, not always in sync


> Begin data grooming and rebuild data packages from ODS and EDW data-mart layers.

> Work with perspective users to identify where data is consumed and how it is used.

> Create a dataflow that maps data to the source system, identifying systemic owners and defining data governance policies and procedures.


Data is inaccurate

Our solutions:

> Identify source of truth through data mapping and understanding of the processes that create and leverage the data.

> Revise and update data models to simplify the data and start the normalization process.


Data refreshes are not timely.


> Document data mapping cross-functionally to identify timing issues and dependencies.

> Devise systematic layering of staged data to reduce performance bottlenecks.

Data needed by multiple channels?


Multiple channels use the same data and there isn't a single way to access the data

our solutions:

> Introduce simplified data structures to support the product solution.

> Align data to provide comparative analysis between two or more source systems.


Data is used across the organization without clarity as to  who is using what pieces of data

Our solutions:

> Analyze the business units and teams that use the data and their purpose.

> Gain insights and perspective on how the data is used today and how it might be used in the future. 

> Establish data governance committee to enable cross-functional use of the data and alignment on its definition.

> Establish a data dictionary and a product owner who maintains the dictionary as new data is added or removed.

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